#How to make mac n cheese in a mug full
Yup, gooey, creamy, soul-filling, lick the spoon/fork again, mug full of Mac n Cheese. We raise our fist-clutched mugs to the beginning of this blog, while sitting on the couch, staring out the window for promises of something green to happen. In honor of this awkward time of year (filled with eagerness for spring to begin, seeing that the signs are here, but we haven’t quite arrived yet, like a budding tween sporting her first training bra), we dedicate our inaugural recipe to satisfying the need for comfort. I think we all need a little TLC or SOS right now, like ASAP (okay, I’m done with that). And to make matters worse there’s a drama inducing winter cold going around that makes sleeping and breathing impossible to do at the same time. There’s still a frosty chill in the air and a dark, low hung cloud or three above. While the snow may be gone, spring hasn’t really sprung yet. Done with coaxing Cooper, my puggle, to stay upright long enough to do his business out in the hard frozen yard (he routinely just gives up and flops over after a few minutes of walking on ice)

Done with seeing my breath as I hustle to start the car. Thoughts of having a clean car, wearing shorts, barbecuing, and long sunny days begin to dance on my winter weary brain. Kicking and screaming like a three year old Shelby being wrenched away from the cat food bowl of kibble, the piles of frozen patches have given up the good fight and are at last trickling away. We, here in northwest North Dakota, have been waiting rather patiently forever, it seems, and just yesterday it arrived, the moment when the last bits of snow melted. One small peek through the curtain window tells the story of that small miracle that takes place each year and, well, it finally happened. But before we embark on describing the mouthwatering qualities of this American dish, I think we should talk about what makes this a favorite comfort food.Īll good comfort food, well deserving of the warmth and goodness that makes it, well, comfort food, begins with something un-comfort-able and this is no exception. Yes, Macaroni and Cheese, where cheddar is better and creamy is dreamy. Sure, we could have gone the way of a mug cake or something else sweet and sticky, and that would have been awesome, but there is a method behind this blog madness. After much deliberation, Shelby and I have decided on our first mug recipe with inspiration drawn from Mother Nature.